
作者:郭立辉 白彪 王博 舒宝才 楚勇 袁盛世 梁智松 丁钰轩 樊博
基金: -页码-:120-123
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Construction Technology of Roof Large-span Truss and Cantilever Truss with Hanging Structure
GUO Lihui BAI Biao WANG Bo SHU Baocai CHU Yong YUAN Shengshi LIANG Zhisong DING Yuxuan FAN Bo
(China Construction Science and Industry Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: In order to meet the use of cultural venues and the diversification of architectural shapes, large-span trusses and long cantilevered trusses are always adopted to achieve large space requirements. At the same time, the building functions are realized through the hanging structure layer under the truss. The structural form brings new technical problems to the construction of cultural venues. This article introduces the construction technology of large-span roof truss and cantilever truss with hanging structure through the project example of Donganhu Library(Media Center), mainly including hanging structure and truss section, construction method, process flow, displacement monitoring, etc. The reasonable and feasible countermeasures are put forward.
Keywords: steel structures; trusses; cantilever trusses; hanging structure; construction
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