
作者:党权交 何思元 金磊 雷栋
单位:中交路桥建设有限公司 中交路桥华东工程有限公司
基金:中交路建科技研发项目:基岩滑坡导致挤竖病害应急抢险施工技术研究(ZJLJ-2021-43)。 -页码-:76-80
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Research on Emergency Rescue Temporary Support and Reinforcement Technology of Yaba Bridge
DANG Quanjiao HE Siyuan JIN Lei LEI Dong
(Road & Bridge International Co., Ltd. CCCC Road & Bridge East China Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the dangers of the Yaba Bridge, detailed investigations and studies on the causes of the dangers and the diseases are carried out combined with the special geographical location of the bridge site in the large undulating bedrock area of low mountain eroded valleys. Through research, comparison and selection, combined with the characteristics of emergency rescue projects, the temporary support plan, maintenance and reinforcement plan suitable for the emergency rescue project of the Yaba Bridge are formulated according to local conditions. Authors introduced temporary support with bundles support and large steel pipe support, including design, construction and monitorng. Then reinforce measures are adopted such as temportary support, demolition and reconstruction as well as spatial transformation.
Keywords: bridges; emergency rescue; temporary support; reinforcement
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