
基金:中国铁建股份有限公司科技研发计划项目(2020-B22)。 -页码-:32-37
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Unloading and Monitoring Technology of Steel Structure in Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
(China Railway Construction International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In accordance with the structural characteristics of the Lusail Stadium, the main stadium of Qatar World Cup in 2022, a construction plan for the main steel structure is formulated. The force analysis of the unloading point of the main steel structure is carried out, and the selection and arrangement of unloading jacks are reasonably optimized. According to the results of unloading simulation calculation and stress and deformation analysis, unloading is divided into 6 stages. The unloading sequence from horizontal structure to vertical structure is determined, and the unloading method for each step of each stage is explained in detail. Focusing on the research on the key technologies of unloading monitoring, a set of unloading monitoring programs covering total stations, stress monitors, high-precision 3 D scanners and rulers are established. Finally, the selection principle of each monitoring point and the key technology of each monitoring method are analyzed.
Keywords: stadiums; steel structures; unloading; monitoring; 3D scanning
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