
作者:吴晶晶 蒋承威 郭静 胡勇
基金: -页码-:56-59
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Application of 3D Scanning in Steel Structure Construction of Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
WU Jingjing JIANG Chengwei GUO Jing HU Yong
(Jinggong Steel International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: According to the characteristics of the large size, special shaped structure, heavy weight of structural module and high precision requirement of the main stadium of Qatar World Cup in 2022, the cooperation measurement scheme of the total station and 3 D scanner is adopted. The accuracy inspection of single component and the precision inspection of hoisting unit are introduced. On the premise of ensuring the accuracy, the site scan is done for the single member, single truss, single lifting module, closure section module and the open at the position by using 3 D scanner reasonably, and virtual closure hoisting is analyzed before formal hoisting. The hoisting and closure simulation play an important role in the early detection of the hoisting problems on site, which greatly improves the assembly and installation efficiency.
Keywords: stadiums; steel structures; 3D scanner; precision control; virtual; pre-assembly; installation
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