
作者:陈大淀 杨军宏 刘健
基金:中交路建科技研发项目:海洋环境大曲率索塔快速施工技术研究(ZJLJ-2019-16)。 -页码-:63-66
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Construction Technology of Arc-shaped Cable Tower Top Closure
CHEN Dadian YANG Junhong LIU Jian
(CCCC Road & Bridge East China Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the construction of cable tower top closure of Zhoudai sea crossing bridge of Ningbo Zhoushan port main channel project, this paper mainly introduces the key points of arc-shaped cable tower top closure construction technology. Through the control of key construction procedures, the cable tower top can be closed safely and quickly. Through the optimization design in the construction process, the construction period is shortened and the safety and reliability is improved.
Keywords: bridges; cable-stayed bridge; cable tower; tower top closure; construction; economic benefits
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