
作者:陈勇 杨培伟
单位:中铁大桥局武汉桥梁特种技术有限公司 桥梁结构健康与安全国家重点实验室 中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司
基金: -页码-:84-88
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Anti-overturning Reinforcement Technology of Single Column Pier Bridge
CHEN Yong YANG Peiwei
(Wuhan Bridge Special Technology Co., Ltd.,China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Sate Key Laboratory for Health and Safety of Bridge Structures CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In recent years, many single column pier bridges can not meet the anti-overturning performance index requirements of the current latest specifications under the background of single column pier bridge overturning accidents, through checking the anti-overturning performance of single column pier bridge. Therefore, the investigation and reinforcement of anti-overturning performance of single column pier bridge on a large scale emerge as the times require. The characteristics and causes of single column pier bridge overturning problem are analyzed, the bridge anti-overturning performance checking evaluation method and bridge overturning mechanism, the technical solutions of single column pier bridge reinforcement and transformation, and the key points of single column pier bridge operation and maintenance are comprehensively studied, so as to provide more comprehensive technical guidance for the safe operation of single column pier bridge.
Keywords: bridges; single column pier; anti-overturning; reinforcement and reconstruction
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