
基金: -页码-:105-109
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Installation Technology of Dehumidification Duct Under Flexible Cable Net Structure of National Speed Skating Oval
(Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd.of Beijing Uni-construction Group)
Abstract: This paper introduces the installation technology of dehumidification duct under the flexible cable net structure of The National Speed Skating Oval, the landmark new stadium of the Winter Olympic Games. The duct is arranged on the largest single-layer bidirectional orthogonal saddle shaped cable net structure with the largest span(198 m × 124 m) in the world. The cable net is an unstable load-bearing structure, which brings challenges to the flexible connection, installation and fixation of the duct. The unprecedented problem of installing dehumidification air duct on large-span cable net structure is solved by strict selection of supports and hangers, innovation of fixing method of air duct root, self-developed air duct lifting equipment, reasonable setting of air duct load and comprehensive use of spring damper and soft joint short pipe.
Keywords: Winter Olympics; National Speed Skating Oval; flexible cable net structure; dehumidification duct; anti-deformation; installation
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