
基金:中国铁建股份有限公司科技研发计划项目(2020-B22)。 -页码-:11-13
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Hoisting Technology of Main Steel Structure of Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
MA Gaofeng
(China Railway Construction International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Steel structure plays an increasingly important role in the building appearance of professional and comprehensive stadiums and the stability of the envelope of the stadium structure. The separate steel structure component of Lusail Stadium has the characteristics of heavy weight, large space and irregular shapes. The structural deformation and the precise connection between the components during the hoisting process affect the construction quality of the steel structure. The application of strand jacks and technology of hoisting component with single crane and turning over in air has effectively solved the problems of steel structure component deformation and connection accuracy, while ensuring the safety of lifting operations.
Keywords: stadiums; steel structures; strand jacks; hosits; deformation
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