
基金:中国铁建股份有限公司科技研发计划项目(2020-B22)。 -页码-:1-5
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Morphological Analysis of the Fishtail Cable Net Roof Structure of Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
HUANG Binbin
(China Railway Construction International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the Lusail Stadium, the main stadium for Qatar World Cup in 2022, this article introduces the composition and external dimensions of the main structure, focusing on the analysis of the roof structure, the main steel structure and the overall force principle. The overall composition and main geometric parameters of the stadium roof cable net are determined, and the role and relationship of each component in the main and secondary cable net structures of the roof are researched. The zero state, initial state and load state of the cable net structure is defined, and the purpose, significance and difficulty of the morphological analysis are summarized. Before and after the installation of the membrane structure, morphological analysis is done using ANSYS and 3 D3 S. The overall structural displacement, vertical displacement of the main cable and the radial and circumferential displacement of the main steel structure are analyzed, and the internal forces of the main components of the roof cable net structure are calculated and compared. Studies have shown that fishtail cable net roofs are safe and reliable, light in shape, and excellent in stress performance. They are ideal choices for large stadium roof structures. In terms of morphological analysis, it is scientific to analyze the initial state before and after membrane installation, which can be used as load state analysis lays a good foundation.
Keywords: stadiums; fishtail cable net; cable net roof; morphological analysis; structural design
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