
基金:中国铁建股份有限公司科技研发计划项目(2020-B22)。 -页码-:48-51
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Naming System and Division Standard for BIM Models in Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
(China Railway Construction International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: According to the requirements of the lifecycle BIM application of the Lusail Stadium, the main stadium of Qatar World Cup in 2022, and the modeling requirements of the issue for construction(IFC) design stage, the key factors for naming the models of the World Cup stadium are analyzed and ranked. Based on the BIM application method of the overseas projects, with the combination of English abbreviations and numbers, a model naming system consisting of 9 parts and 21 characters in total is established. Combined with the characteristics of the stadium, the author established a model division standard by stages, disciplines, levels and zones, then tested and perfected it in Lusail Stadium. Studies show that scientific naming and division of models will directly determine the model quality and BIM application effect.
Keywords: stadiums; steel structures; building information modeling(BIM); model naming system; model division standard
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