
基金:中国铁建股份有限公司科技研发计划项目(2020-B22)。 -页码-:6-10
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Construction Technology of Roof Main Cable Nets of Lusail Stadium for 2022 World Cup
SHEN Jiayong
(China Railway Construction International Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The Lusail Stadium is the main stadium for 2022 World Cup. And the roof main cable net is whole tension structure of double layer spoke-type, which is composed of double layer tension rings and double layer compression rings to connect with 48 pieces fish tail radial cable truss. The author selected the method of lifting upper tension ring plus two phases of lifting radial cable. By calculation of whole process simulation, the worst critical cases of both lifting tension ring and lifting radial cables and selected the lifting tools accordingly is confirmed. During the construction, the calculation results of whole process simulation is strictly considered from commencing of lifting to the end of pin installation to monitoring the tension forces and displacements.
Keywords: stadiums; steel structures; main cable net; tensioning tools; simulation; monitoring
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