
作者:刘春辉 陈跃熙 胡锐 程憬
单位:中国华西企业股份有限公司 四川华西集团有限公司
基金:四川华西集团科技项目:大跨度预应力冷库结构设计与施工关键技术研究(HXKX2017-021)。 -页码-:142-145
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Key Technology of Structure External Insulation System of Modern Super-large High-rise Cold Storage
LIU Chunhui CHEN Yuexi HU Rui CHENG Jing
(China Huashi Enterprises Co., Ltd. Sichuan Huashi Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: This paper takes the cold storage phase II project of Yinli Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Center as the background, and mainly studied on the insulation and vapor barrier control of modern ultra-large high-rise cold storage. It solves the problem of maintaining the structure external insulation performance of the first modern super-large pre-stressed cold storage in China by originating a key technology for an efficient insulation vapor barrier. With a complete set of design and construction technology for the structure external insulation system of super-large cold storage being established, this key technology is successfully applied in engineering practice. The technology reduces the energy consumption of the cold storage and an energy saving rate is achieved as high as 26.3%.
Keywords: high-rise cold storage; outer wall; external thermal insulation; vapor barrier; construction
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