
作者:许光亮 郑力彬 曹旭梅 杨连佼
单位:中交三航局第二工程有限公司 中交第二航务工程勘察设计院有限公司
基金:中交三航局第二工程有限公司课题:超大型风景园林工程施工中的BIM技术应用及创新研究(2020-03)。 -页码-:16-19
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Application of BIM Technology in Construction Management of the 10th China Flower Expo Project
XU Guangliang ZHENG Libin CAO Xumei YANG Lianjiao
(No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd.of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. CCCC Second Navigation Engineering Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: BIM Technology is more and more widely used in domestic infrastructure construction as the building and construction industry worldwide transitions fully to the digital and refined. In the 10 th China Flower Expo project, the idea of integration and platform is put forward, and BIM technology and information system platform are applied to construction management. Good practice results are achieved in progress control, safety management and development of electronic sand table. Information, visualization and refinement of construction management are realized, which plays an important role in improving the quality and efficiency of the project.
Keywords: building information modeling(BIM); construction management; system platform; informatization; refinement; visualization
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