
作者:杨磊 毛娟龙
基金: -页码-:71-74
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Key Technology of Inclined Chute Riprap Ship in Pile Foundation Scouring Protection Project of Donghai Bridge
YANG Lei MAO Juanlong
(No.2 Engineering Co., Ltd.of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The non navigable span bridge of Donghai Bridge adopts high pile cap structure. Recently, continuous scouring occurred around the pile foundation. At present, the scouring depth is close to the designed warning depth, which has a certain impact on the safety of bridge structure. In order to ensure the safety of the structure and prevent possible scouring, it is necessary to protect the pile foundation of the bridge pier foundation from scouring. The traditional underwater riprap method and riprap equipment are not suitable for the internal backfill operation of pile group. Based on this project, the key technology research of inclined chute riprap ship is carried out, and the main technical difficulties and technical achievements of inclined chute riprap ship in the research process are introduced in detail.
Keywords: bridges; piles; scour-prevention; inclined chute; riprap ship; construction
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