
作者:张兴志 方明山 刘佳玲 庄冬利 肖汝诚
单位:浙江杭绍甬高速公路有限公司 浙江省交通投资集团有限公司 同济大学土木工程学院
基金:交通运输行业重点科技项目清单项目(2019-MS1-016);浙江省交通运输厅科技计划项目(2019-GCKY-01)。 -页码-:27-30
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Study on the Application of Ultra-high Performance Concrete Wet Joints of Composite Beam Cable-stayed Bridge Deck
ZHANG Xingzhi FANG Mingshan LIU Jialing ZHUANG Dongli XIAO Rucheng
(Zhejiang Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Ningbo Expressway Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Transportation Investment Group Co., Ltd. College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University)
Abstract: The construction of a composite beam cable-stayed bridge is complicated, and its construction process has a greater impact on internal forces. Improper construction process may cause uneven force on the bridge deck and cause cracks. In order to avoid the cracking of the bridge deck during the construction process, combined with engineering examples, the force analysis of the bridge deck during the construction of the composite beam was carried out, and the ultra-high performance concrete(UHPC) wet joints were used to improve the strength and prevent cracks. After verifying that the UHPC material met the requirements of wet joints by the process test, UHPC wet joints were applied in Fuchimen Bridge. According to the construction effect of Fuchimen Bridge, the use of UHPC wet joints instead of ordinary concrete wet joints had good construction effects. Due to the high early strength of UHPC materials, the construction period was significantly shortened. For sea-crossing bridges or coastal bridges, in the face of severe weather such as typhoons, the closure can be completed in advance to avoid adverse effects.
Keywords: bridges; cable stayed bridges; composite bridge deck; mechanical behavior; ultra-high performance concrete; wet joint; construction
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