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Construction Technology of Super Long Prestressed System for Concrete Stiffening Beam of Suspension Bridge
WEI Gang
(No.5 Engineering Co., Ltd.of CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The concrete stiffening beam of suspension bridge adopts two-way prestressed system. Although the prestressed construction technology is widely used, the tension and grouting technology of super long prestressed system is not fully mature. Based on the construction of super long prestressed system of concrete stiffening beam of main span suspension bridge of Yongshan Yueliangwan Bridge, the construction technology of “bridge deck stringing and automatic stringing, bridge head turning and stringing, progressive topping intelligent tensioning and vacuum assisted grouting” is adopted to ensure the quality of super long prestressed system, prolong the service life of structure and reduce the construction safety risk, realize the high-efficiency construction and high-precision quality control of super long prestressed system of concrete stiffening beam of suspension bridge.
Keywords: bridges; suspension bridges; concrete stiffening beam; super long prestressed system; tension; grouting; construction
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