
作者:胡高鹏 谢维 赵林
单位:北京市轨道交通建设管理有限公司 中国铁建大桥工程局集团有限公司
基金:中国铁建大桥工程局集团有限公司科技计划项目:高承压水及砂土互层环境下盾构近距离下穿既有运营地铁线路施工关键技术。 -页码-:108-112,152
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Construction Technology of the Shield Tunnel of Gongxiang Section for Beijing Subway Line 17 Undercrossing Airport Line
HU Gaopeng XIE Wei ZHAO Lin
(Beijing Metro Construction Administration Co.,Ltd. China Railway Construction Bridge Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: The shield of Gongxiang section of Beijing Subway line 17 passed through the shield section of the existing airport line vertically, with a minimum clear distance of 2.94 m, 2.8% longitudinal slope, 350 m small radius curve crossing, high pressure water and sand interbedding geology, and deformation control standards of 1 mm,-2 mm. Measures such as simulating deformation calculation, summarizing parameters of test section, filling support with mud reduction effect, automatic dynamic monitoring and optimization of grouting and filling were adopted, The maximum settlement of the existing line was 1.7 mm, and the settlement tended to be stable.
Keywords: subways; shields; deformation; curve crossing; mud control effect; construction parameters
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