
作者:胡锐 陈跃熙 陈胜 黄光洪 程憬
单位:中国华西企业股份有限公司 四川华西集团有限公司
基金:四川华西集团科技项目:大跨度预应力冷库结构设计与施工关键技术研究(HXKX2017-021)。 -页码-:138-141,159
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Study on the Packaged Technology in Constructing Modern Super-large High-rise Cold Storages
HU Rui CHEN Yuexi CHEN Sheng HUANG Guanghong CHENG Jing
(China Huashi Enterprises Co., Ltd. Sichuan Huashi Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the Phase Ⅱ cold storage construction project of Cold Chain Logistics Center of Yinli Agricultural Products, this study focuses on the constructive aspects of modern super-large high-rise cold storages including the high-efficiency space design, construction technology of prestressed structure, the early shrinkage of concrete to prevent cracks during the construction process, the prestress loss test at low temperatures, the large-scale prestressed cold storage insulation and the steam insulation control. A complete set of modern super large-scale high-rise cold storage construction technology has been formed, which integrates the key technology of long-span prestressed cold storage structure design and construction, the external thermal insulation system technology of super large cold storage exterior wall, and the structural intelligent health monitoring technology.
Keywords: high-rise cold storage; prestressing; external insulation; construction
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