
作者:顾金戈 陈跃熙 陈胜 程憬
单位:中国华西企业股份有限公司 四川华西集团有限公司
基金:四川华西集团科技项目:大跨度预应力冷库结构设计与施工关键技术研究(HXKX2017-021)。 -页码-:135-137,155
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High-efficiency Space Design of Modern Super-large High-rise Cold Storage
GU Jin'ge CHEN Yuexi CHEN Sheng CHENG Jing
(China Huashi Enterprises Co., Ltd. Sichuan Huashi Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In the refrigerated warehouse phase II project of Yinli Agricultural Product Cold Chain Logistics Center, the prestressing technology is used to design the high-rise, large-span and fully enclosed shear wall and flat slab structure, which cancels the short-leg seismic shear wall structure used in traditional refrigerated warehouses, and reorganizes the arrangement of the storage racks. The design optimizes the architectural form and spatial scale of the multi-layer large-space refrigerated warehouse(the shape coefficient was less than 0.082), significantly improves the effective storage capacity of the warehouse(the effective storage capacity increased by 41.8%), avoids the energy loss of the heat bridge caused by too many wall columns and the high energy consumption caused by the uneven distribution of the cold air flow organization, and thus realizes energy saving, environmental protection and green construction.
Keywords: high-rise cold storage; prestressing; external insulation; high-efficiency space; design
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