
作者:蔡晓男 孙忠猛 张斌 杨连佼
基金:中交三航局第二工程有限公司课题:空间扭转曲面木纹清水砼建筑施工新技术(2020-06)。 -页码-:1-3,8
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Formwork Design and Scheme Comparison of Natural-textured As-cast-finish Concrete Structure
CAI Xiaonan SUN Zhongmeng ZHANG Bin YANG Lianjiao
(No.2 Engineering Co.,Ltd.of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The main exhibition hall located in Dongping town of Shanghai is one of the most important structures in the 10 th China Flower Expo. It is a as-cast-finish concrete structure designed for showing exhibition concept and displaying rare flowers. Its four design schemes apply convex bamboo grain,concave bamboo grain,silicone-made bamboo grain,and wood grain respectively. In this paper,these design schemes are compared from the aspects of formwork design,structure appearance and construction cost. The results show that the structure appearance and construction cost of imported cedar wood grain formwork are better than the others.
Keywords: as-cast-finish concrete; formwork; grain; design; economic analysis
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