
作者:郑世杰 赵争科 冯超
基金: -页码-:119-123
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Application of Horizontal Mold Bag Pile in Grouting Reinforcement of Tunnel Entrance
ZHENG Shijie ZHAO Zhengke FENG Chao
(CCCC Tunnel Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of grouting diffusion control in the conventional tunnel entrance grouting reinforcement process, the application research of the horizontal mold bag pile technology in the tunnel entrance reinforcement project is developed. The reinforcement mechanism of horizontal mold bag piles is studied systematically, and its advantages and characteristics are analyzed. Combined with the poor geological reinforcement project at the entrance of Xiangjiang Road Station in Qingdao Hongdao-Jiaonan Intercity Rail Transit phase II project, horizontal mold bag pile technology is used for grouting. The results show that the advanced support structure of the molded bag piles and the advanced grouting and solids of the tunnel will cooperate to form a “rigid support + compaction consolidation + grouting plus solids” composite solids in the tunnel arch stratum. The horizontal mold bag pile not only plays a supporting role similar to the pipe shed, effectively restrains the surrounding rock loosening, improves the stratum stability, but also has a compaction effect on the target layer, effectively controls the slurry diffusion range, a better effect of reinforcement and seepage prevention is achieved.
Keywords: tunnels; entrance; reinforcement; horizontal expansion mold bag pile; grouting
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