
基金:贵州省科技厅2020年度贵州省基础研究计划(黔科合基础[2020]1Y250);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2017M622929)。 -页码-:99-102,107
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Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of the New Steel Arch Support in the Cross-extension Section of the Existing Cave
LIU Yongming
(China Railway (Guizhou) Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the study on the support methods of cross tunnels at home and abroad and combined with the actual engineering, according to the mechanical characteristics of the cross section of the cave, a Y shaped main skeleton + oblique truncated arch used in the cross section of the cave is proposed. The new steel arch support method supports the stress of the upper surrounding rock through the Y shaped main arch. The oblique section arch will increase the mutual restraint of the main arch,increase the bending rigidity of the weak plan of the main arch,and enhance the stability of the entire support structure. The design parameters of the new steel arch are given by the field test.
Keywords: underground buildings; cross cavern; plain concrete; steel arch frame; flexural bearing capacity; testing
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