
基金:广东省交通运输厅科技资助项目:珠海横琴二桥设计施工关键技术研究(科技-2014-02-013)。 -页码-:46-50
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Design and Key Construction Technology of Half-through Steel Truss Tied Arch Bridge
ZHANG Dapeng
(CCCC Fourth Highway Engineering Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Half-through tied steel truss arch bridge construction has many difficulties, such as the structural system has to undergo multiple force conversion, the key nodes are stressed heavily, the construction precision is high, and the construction control requirements are strict, so it is necessary to study the key technology of its design and construction. Taking Hengqin No.2 Bridge as the research object, this paper firstly introduces the design scheme of the key structures of the arch bridge, such as the restraint system of the main bridge, the horizontal longitudinal connection and the bridge deck system, and then sums up the construction characteristics and technical difficulties of the project combined with the actual situation, and on this basis, analyzes the key construction technologies of the upper and lower structures of the main bridge, and finally, with the help of MIDAS/Civil finite element software simulation,in order to ensure the construction quality and safety of the project, the maximum stress position should be monitored in construction process.
Keywords: bridges; tied arch bridges; half-through steel truss; design; finite element analysis; construction
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