
作者:赖勇 杜强强 郑刚
单位:浙江省水利水电勘测设计院 杭州市千岛湖原水股份有限公司
基金:浙江省水利厅科技计划:杭州市第二水源千岛湖配水工程关键技术研究(RA1503)。 -页码-:102-105
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Measures and Technical Innovation to Improve Weak Links in the Progress of Long Distance Water Conveyance Tunnel
LAI Yong DU Qiangqiang ZHENG Gang
(Zhejiang Investigation and Design Institute of Water Resources and Electric Power Hangzhou Qiandao Lake Raw Water Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: According to the implementation progress of each working face of Qiandao Lake water distribution project,from the perspective of design technology,the technical measures was proposed to make up for the progress in stages,which including adding construction adit,increasing the width of the tunnel bottom,adjusting the axis of adit,using steel lining in transition section,adjusting the length of adjacent working face,optimizing conventional support and increasing single cycle footage,using drilling jumbo for construction,some measures have been applied in the project. In the lining stage,the technology of setting induced joint is innovatively adopted. The implementation process shows that the effect of optimizing conventional support and increasing single cycle footage with schedule reinforcement plate is better,while the effect of setting guide joint is extremely significant.
Keywords: water engineering; tunnels; steel lining; induced joint; supports
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