
作者:卢建文 王朝龙 李宗阳 钟恩 邝楚钊
基金:中建八局科技研发项目:填海滩涂区全埋轨道交通群上盖不停航改扩建机场工程关键施工技术研究(2019-3-33)。 -页码-:26-28
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Construction Technology of Micro-distance Pile Foundation Hole Forming Between Operated Subways
LU Jianwen WANG Chaolong LI Zongyang ZHONG En KUANG Chuzhao
(China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.Southchina Branch)
Abstract: The satellite hall of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport crosses the tunnel of Shenzhen Metro Line 11,which has been in operation already. Since the minimum net distance between the newlybuilt conversion structure of the cast-in pile and the subway structure is merely 35 cm,it is difficult to guarantee the safety of subway by conventional hole-forming method. Through technical exploration and multi-party argumentation,a combination of full sleeve rotary drilling rig and manual drilling was applied in hole-drilling and hole-forming. The hole-forming construction technology of micro-distance pile foundation between subway lines in operation was summarized,which can not only reduce the disturbance to the subway structure, but also ensure the high-speed and high-quality implementation of pile foundation engineering,achieving desirable results.
Keywords: airports; subways; tunnels; bored piles; drilling machines; artificial dig-hole
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