
作者:陈刚 金树楼 张蔚 马小波
单位:中建八局第三建设有限公司 中建安装集团有限公司 江苏省建筑安全监督总站
基金:江苏省数字工地智慧安监试点项目。 -页码-:68-70,79
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Research on Construction Management of Intelligent Project Based on Cloud Technology
CHEN Gang JIN Shulou ZHANG Wei MA Xiaobo
(The Third Construction Co.,Ltd.of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division China Construction Installation Group Co.,Ltd. Construction Project Safety Supervision Station of Jiangsu Province)
Abstract: This paper combines the construction project of a intelligent construction site,using smart devices such as high-definition cameras, face recognition attendance machines, and high-precision sensors to collect project management basic data in real time. With the help of mobile sensing,internet of things,BIM,big data and other information technology,an integrated management system has been established,which integrates mobile personnel,large machinery and equipment,major hazards. The digital and intelligent upgrade of safety,technology,quality,schedule,cost and green construction management comes true. The level of refined management of engineering projects has been substantially improved,which has guiding significance for project information management.
Keywords: building information modeling(BIM); internet of things; big data; cloud technology; management
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