
作者:张亚伟 徐守华 王晋 王光武 吕经诚 刘智 袁贵福 艾维 李铉诚
单位:成都华润置地驿都房地产有限公司 中建三局集团有限公司西南分公司
基金: -页码-:52-54
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Construction Technology of Large Overhanging Cyclone Staircase in Large Stadium
ZHANG Yawei XU Shouhua WANG Jin WANG Guangwu LÜ Jingcheng LIU Zhi YUAN Guifu AI Wei LI Xuancheng
(Chengdu China Resources Land Yidu Real Estate Co.,Ltd. Southwest Branch,China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: There are large potential safety hazard and quality risks in cyclone staircase construction process,in third hall project of Dongan Lake Sports Park,which have a great impact on the later construction period. Based on the successful experience of similar projects and the actual site situation,after comprehensive consideration,the method of local I-beam support,steel full frame flow construction+self-compacting concrete pouring is used,to complete the construction of cyclone stairs,the difficulty of construction is reduced,and a strong guarantee for construction quality,construction safety,construction period and other factors is provided.
Keywords: stadiums; cyclone staircase; cantilever; self-compacting; load; supporting system
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