
基金:国家自然科学基金(51678345);清华大学(土水学院)-广联达BIM联合研究中心基金。 -页码-:1-3
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Embracing the Opportunity and Confronting the Challenge of Intelligent Construction
MA Zhiliang
(Department of Civil Engineering,Tsinghua University)
Abstract: Intelligent construction brings advanced science and technology that can be used to solve such problems as lack of manpower,low science and technological content etc.,now faced by construction industry. Nevertheless,to realize intelligent construction,existing intelligent systems need to be improved unceasingly,brand-new ones await to be developed,and integrated application of novel technologies should be adopted. Moreover,sufficient resources need to be effectively invested and multi-professional talents should be guaranteed. In July,2020,thirteen departments of China central government,including Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,jointly issued the Guidance Opinion on Promoting Coordinated Development of Intelligent Construction and Construction Industrialization. The document not only puts forward the the direction for the development of China ' s construction industry,but also is crucial for the transformation and upgrading of the industry,as well as its sustainable development.Relevant enterprises should thus grasp the situation as a whole,make scientific arrangement,proceed and develop intelligent construction in an orderly manner.
Keywords: intelligent construction; big data; informatization; internet of things; artificial intelligence(AI)
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