
基金:中铁二十二局集团有限公司b类课题(19-12B)。 -页码-:84-86
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Design and Exploration of Prefabricated Building Structure Based on BIM
SHANG Weifang
(China Railway Construction Group Hebei Xiongan Urban Construction Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking a prefabricated commercial residential building as the engineering background,combined with BIM technology for structural performance analysis and prefabricated design,based on the prefabricated building characteristics and site construction conditions,the connection performance of horizontal and vertical prefabricated components is discussed,the general rule of structure selection is obtained. Using YJK and GS-Revit software,the method of BIM technology in the whole process of prefabricated structure design is summarized,a safe and reliable 3 D model is established,from overall structure modeling analysis to prefabricated components splitting,deepening reinforcement,checking shear bearing capacity of joints. The visualization of construction period and project cost is realized,and the construction period is optimized,efficiency is improved,cost is saved.
Keywords: prefabricated building; building information modeling(BIM); selection; performance; design
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