
基金: -页码-:80-83
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BIM Working Mechanism and Prospect of Regional Companies of Large Construction General Contracting Enterprises
LIN Jiaming
(Shanghai Construction No.5 (Group) Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking the establishment of the BIM science and innovation center of a regional company of a large general contracting construction enterprise as an example,the necessity to establish a BIM center at the regional company level was expounded through industry investigation,mathematical and statistical analysis. The selection of BIM working mechanisms in different types of projects was also discussed in combination with the successful application of BIM technology in large volume residential project of BIM center and high-standard office project. Finally,the development of BIM center and the expansion direction of the application dimension of BIM technology were forecast in accordance with the development planning of regional companies and the cutting-edge technology of the construction industry,so as to assist nationwide-developing general contracting construction enterprises to fully promote BIM technology,and to ensure projects applying BIM to gain favorable benefits.
Keywords: building information modeling(BIM); general contractor; regional company; working mechanism
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