
作者:钟恩 蔡庆军 李天隆 郑少星 常亮
基金:中建八局科技研发项目:填海滩涂区全埋轨道交通群上盖不停航改扩建机场工程关键施工技术研究(2019-3-33)。 -页码-:35-37
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Diversified Recycling of Construction Waste
ZHONG En CAI Qingjun LI Tianlong ZHENG Shaoxing CHANG Liang
(China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.Southchina Branch)
Abstract: During the construction of the satellite hall of Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport,a huge amount of solid concrete waste was generated. Under the high cost of export and high pressure of environmental policies,the existing concrete structure,internal support,pile head and other solid building waste were crushed and screened into the recyclable waste steel bars,recyclable unburned bricks,recyclable rubble concrete and cement-stabilized crushed-stone base through the integration of reducing crushing,automatic brick pressing,recycled crushed stone concrete and cement-stabilized assembly and other technologies. The problems of high cost and low utilization rate of huge amount of construction waste treatment has been solved successfully, environmental protection and resource recycling has been realized,and the goal of zero emission of solid waste has been basically achieved.
Keywords: airports; green construction; construction waste; reduction; recycling
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