
作者:杨成 吴家雄 陈波 李罡烨 胡俊
基金:“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0702102)。 -页码-:101-104
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Study on Temporary Road with Steel Plate in Construction Site Under Heavy Load
YANG Cheng WU Jiaxiong CHEN Bo LI Gangye HU Jun
(China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Through early tests on temporary road with steel plate,the lowest compacting factor,also application on site of steel plate from temporary road subgrade can be educed from these statistics.According to the common road specifications in construction site,sectorization of road,all kinds of tire marks,driving habits,gross weight of common vehicles on construction site and so on,the pavement structures and road specifications of temporary road with steel plate can be determined. By ANSYS to make overall simulation analysis on temporary road with heavy loaded steel,theoretical guidance is provided in paving temporary road with steel plate on construction site.
Keywords: roads; pavements; temporary road with steel plate; simulation; green construction
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