
作者:罗鑫 王辉 彭建永 陈华 潘钧俊 金国栋 孙斌
基金:中建八局研究课题(2020-8-20)。 -页码-:20-22
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Study on Construction Method of Large Cross-section Bundled Beam of Joint Foundation
LUO Xin WANG Hui PENG Jianyong CHEN Hua PAN Junjun JIN Guodong SUN Bin
(China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The orderly, reasonable, comprehensive and efficient development and utilization of underground space resources is a major trend in urban development. As an important part of a city integrating rail,land and air,airport terminal buildings need to be more space-intensive. Due to the development and utilization of underground space,many experts and scholars discuss how to build a super-large comprehensive transportation hub on a limited site. The basic design and construction of the upper structure is the first part to be solved. This paper studies the construction method of the joint foundation of the terminal building of the Xiaoshan International Airport Phase III project,such as the large-section beam foundation,and simulates it through BIM technology,and the construction scheme is optimized and a set of effective scheme is summarized.
Keywords: airports; joint foundation; large cross-section bundled beam; building information modeling(BIM); construction
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