
作者:王强 过震文
基金: -页码-:81-84
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Application of UHPC Steel Fiber Oriented Arrangement Spreader in Steel Deck Pavement
WANG Qiang GUO Zhenwen
(Shanghai Municipal Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The directional arrangement of steel fibers is proved to be able to further improve the tensile properties of UHPC in the direction of steel fibers alignment. According to the results of the current stage,the UHPC steel fiber oriented arrangement spreader is trial-produced. The influence of UHPC workability after extrusion was investigated,and the flexural strength of UHPC along the pouring direction,vertical direction,and standard direction was compared. The test results show that UHPC distributor basically does not change the properties of the mixtures,but has a lot to change the orientation of steel fibers. The flexural strength along the direction of pouring direction reaches 32. 2 MPa,which is verified by the direction of steel fibers arrangement on the fracture surface of the specimens. Based on this research result,it is applied to the maintenance engineering of steel deck pavement of Runyang Bridge.
Keywords: bridges; ultra-high performance concrete; spreader; flexural strength; steel fiber
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