
作者:刘智 武雄飞 柳之光 王丽霞 罗熙顺
基金: -页码-:103-105
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Construction Technology of Super Long Steel-wood Mixed Tenon and Mortise Eaves Gallery
LIU Zhi WU Xiongfei LIU Zhiguang WANG Lixia LUO Xishun
(China Construction Third Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The front hall of the Tianfu International Conference Center project is innovated on the basis of the traditional tenon and mortise structure, using steel-wood mixed tenon and mortise structure technology. The wooden structure adopts the glulam made of CLT technology,which is guaranteed to be deformed under stress and has excellent fire resistance. The whole process of the project is modeled by CADWork software to provide visual guidance for each complex node,which can reduce rework while ensuring the progress of the project. Due to the high installation height of glulam and the difficulty in quality control,the method of roof segmental hoisting + high-altitude assembling and fixing is adopted to reduce the difficulty of construction,while effectively controlling factors such as quality and construction progress.
Keywords: steel-wood mixed; tenon and mortise; eaves gallery; hoisting; CLT technology
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