
作者:许鑫浩 徐福泉 刘英利 代伟明 毛诗洋
单位:华北理工大学建筑工程学院 建研科技股份有限公司 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司
基金:国家重点研发计划:工业化建筑检测与评价关键技术(2016YFC0701800)。 -页码-:9-11
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Experimental Research on Ultrasonic Method for Detecting Internal Defects of Precast Concrete
XU Xinhao XU Fuquan LIU Yingli DAI Weiming MAO Shiyang
(College of Civil Engineering,North China University of Science and Technology CABR Technology Co.,Ltd. China Academy of Building Research)
Abstract: At present,there are mainly two kinds of ultrasonic detection methods for concrete internal defects,which are traditional ultrasonic detection method and phased array ultrasonic detection method.Two groups of reinforced concrete specimens with different defects were designed and fabricated,and two kinds of ultrasonic methods were used for comparative test. The results show that array ultrasonic testing is more accurate than traditional ultrasonic testing for the detection of concrete inner cavity. In the detection of cavity defects in reinforced area,the detection results of reinforced area are affected more obviously than those of non-reinforced area,and the collected data are not completely consistent with the actual internal situation due to the interference of reinforcement for ultrasonic waves.
Keywords: prefabricated buildings; phased array ultrasound; internal defects; empty; detection
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