
作者:周鹏 赵亚军 李木
基金:中建股份科技研发项目(CSCEC-2017-Z-9)。 -页码-:27-29
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Design and Assembly Technology of Mould for Prefabricated Building Structural Components
ZHOU Peng ZHAO Yajun LI Mu
(China Construction Technology (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The mould design of prefabricated building structural components is an important link in the production of prefabricated components. The traditional mould can only match the corresponding component production,and the reuse rate is low,which leads to the high cost of prefabricated building and becomes an important bottleneck in the development of prefabricated building. In this paper,through the latest Prefabricated component mould design,using the same set of mould can not only repeat production,but also achieve the common use of the same mould for internal and external wall panel and laminated plate mould, greatly reducing the cost of component mould. At the same time, using information technology,the mould and other production materials required for component production are unified into the production plan to realize the automated production of components.
Keywords: prefabricated buildings; moulding; automatic production; informatization; standardization
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