
作者:孙晓阳 颜卫东 张朋 于健伟 罗仁轶
基金:住房和城乡建设部研究开发项目(2019-K-068)。 -页码-:99-102,109
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Stainless Steel Structure and Plexiglass Curtain System Construction Technology in Complex Space
SUN Xiaoyang YAN Weidong ZHANG Peng YU Jianwei LUO Renyi
(China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: With the rapid development of China's social economy and the continuous progress of science and technology,construction technology has entered a rapid development mode. The diversification and heterogeneity of building structures have brought new challenges to the innovation and development of construction technology. Taking the Jiangsu Garden Expo project as an example,a large number of experimental studies and innovations in construction methods are carried out, and the integrated construction technology of parameterized design,industrialized manufacturing and intelligent construction of stainless steel structures are developed to realize the precise production and installation of stainless steel components. The simulation technology for the temperature change process of the closure of the lexiglass design state and the partitioned construction state and temperature control shed control technology are developed,which realized the efficient installation and bulk polymerization of plexiglass on-site,and ensured the project effect.
Keywords: installiation; stainless steel structure; plexiglass curtain; temperature control shed; construction
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