
作者:吕基平 李智 曾波 李璐
基金: -页码-:35-38
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Application of Earth Motion Calculation Based on Oblique Photography in Changsha Ice and Snow World Project
LÜ Jiping LI Zhi ZENG Bo LI Lu
(China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau No.3 Construction Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: The use of UAV for rapid terrain reconstruction and equipment management has become the mainstream of construction projects. UAV aerial photography can comprehensively observe the project from a high-altitude angle of view,and display the full picture of the original terrain of the project without blind spots. Take the Changsha Ice and Snow World Project as an example,using aerial triangulation technology,combined with indoor encryption control points commonly used in the measurement field,through short-distance,multi-angle,and continuous acquisition technology to obtain some interrelated and overlapping aerial photos. Establish the corresponding regional grid model,so as to obtain the spatial standard and high-level of the encrypted point,and then obtain the complete entity data.
Keywords: oblique photography; unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV); three-dimensional modeling; terrain; real-world modeling
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