
作者:李培锋 李斯涛 李春 袁从华 廖明进
单位:云南玉临高速公路建设有限责任公司 云南交投集团投资有限公司 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室 武汉科技大学
基金:云南省交通运输厅科技项目(云交科教[2018]45号)。 -页码-:95-98
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Research on Composite Active Reinforcement Method for Potentially Unstable Slope
LI Peifeng LI Sitao LI Chun YUAN Conghua LIAO Mingjin
(Yunnan Yulin Expressway Construction Co.,Ltd. Yunnan Communications Investment & Construction Group Co.,Ltd. State Key Laboratory of Geo-mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan University of Science and Technology)
Abstract: In the construction of highway engineering,the landslide problems of soft rock and loose mass slope occur frequently,and it is difficult to control with conventional engineering treatment measures.Combined with an engineering case,the evolution law of shear strength of rock mass under engineering disturbance and rainfall conditions is studied through indoor test. The results show that the strength of rock mass can be reduced by more than 20% under engineering disturbance and rainfall. In order to make full use of the initial strength of rock mass before excavation,a scheme of slope treatment with active reinforcement is proposed. After comparing and analyzing the difference between active and passive reinforcement,the results show that the reinforcement engineering measures based on the active reinforcement idea can improve the slope stability,avoid the adverse consequences of slope rock and soil mass strength decline after engineering disturbance,compared with the passive reinforcement method,it can reduce the difficulty of engineering treatment,reduce the engineering quantity and reduce the project cost.
Keywords: slope stability; landslide; reinforcement; engineering disturbance; anti slide pile; anchor cable
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