
作者:郑新国 董武 李书明 杨德军 刘竞 曾志 潘永健
单位:中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司铁道建筑研究所 中国国家铁路集团有限公司
基金:中国铁路总公司科技开发项目(2017G002-D)。 -页码-:65-68
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Construction Technology for Treatment of Defects in Ballastless Bed of Jinshazhou Tunnel
ZHENG Xinguo DONG Wu LI Shuming YANG Dejun LIU Jing ZENG Zhi PAN Yongjian
(Railway Engineering Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences Co.,Ltd. China Railway Group Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: During the operation of the Jinshazhou Tunnel,the concrete of the ballastless track bed slab cracked and fell off,which seriously jeopardized driving safety. It is urgently needed to be rectified to prevent further development of the disease. On the basis of the analysis of the causes of the cracks and diseases of the Jinshazhou Tunnel's track bed,this paper puts forward a comprehensive treatment plan of dredging the source of the disease,repairing the serious disease locally and actively preventing the harmful erosion,so as to eliminate the traffic safety risk and restore the overall performance of the ballastless track structure. At the same time,according to the actual situation of the disease,the renovation technology of dredging and drainage,reinforcement treatment,concrete repair and surface protection is adopted to thoroughly solve the problem of crack of the road bed plate.
Keywords: tunnels; ballastless track bed; disease control; detection; construction
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