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Construction Technology of Steel Box Cofferdam with Recyclable Block Bottom in Complex Sea Condition
LI Xichun
(China Communications Construction First Highway Xiamen Engineering Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: In view of the low working efficiency of domestic construction method of high-rise pile cap and unrecyclable steel box bottom under complex sea conditions with huge waves and in combination with sea high-rise pile cap construction of Songxia Cross-sea Bridge of Changping Highway CPA3 Project, a cofferdam construction technology of the partitioned tongue-and-groove assembled steel plate is put forward, which can not only realize the recyclability of all plate steel structure, convenient installation and removal, great stiffness to resist wave impact, but also is safe and reliable and can save a large amount of construction cost, shorten the construction period. The working principle, key technology and functional characteristics of the recyclable block bottom steel hoisting box were introduced in particular and their states of stress under various construction conditions were numerically analyzed and were found to be able to meet the construction requirements.
Keywords: bridges; pile cap; cofferdam; steel hanging box; construction
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