
基金: -页码-:85-89,93
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Study on Comprehensive Outburst Prevention Technology of Gas Outburst Tunnel in Jiayan Water Conservancy Project
REN Mingwu
(Guizhou Water Conservancy Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking the gas outburst prevention and control at the entrance of Shuidaqiao Tunnel of Jiayan Water Control Project and Northwest Water Supply project in Guizhou Province as an example, through three cycles of test demonstration and analysis, the construction ventilation, drilling and grouting technology, gas drainage and effect inspection scheme are improved and optimized. The technical scheme of gas drainage of Shuidaqiao tunnel entrance gas outburst tunnel tends to be perfect. At the same time, through strengthening the on-site organization and management and strengthen the whole process of technical consultation and other measures, the purpose of speeding up the construction progress under the premise of ensuring the safety and quality of the project is achieved.
Keywords: water conservancy project; tunnel; gas outburst; grouting; outburst treatment
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