
作者:周建民 柴干飞 危鼎 陈志刚 何德海 周海贵 龚扎力根白音 危松
单位:萧山奥博投资有限公司 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司
基金:中建八局科研立项课题:杭州奥体中心主体育馆、游泳馆、综合训练馆PPP项目综合施工关键技术。 -页码-:14-17
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Configuration Technology of Hydraulic Machinery of Pumping Excavation Based on the Analysis of Construction Period and Flow Balance
ZHOU Jianmin CHAI Ganfei WEI Ding CHEN Zhigang HE Dehai ZHOU Haigui GONG Zhaligenbaiyin WEI Song
(Xiaoshan Aobo Investment Co.,Ltd. China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd.)
Abstract: Through the example of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center project, based on the analysis of construction period and flow balance, the configuration technology of hydraulic and earth-moving machinery both on site and off site are summarized, when a deep and large foundation excavation is excavated by pumping and flushing. Engineering practice show that through reasonable hydraulic machinery configuration, the effect of saving energy, protecting equipment, reducing cost and increasing efficiency can be achieved.
Keywords: gymnasium; deep foundation excavation; soil flushing pumping; hydraulic machinery; configuration technology
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