
作者:刘晓敏 张强 李飞 杨金勇
基金:中建股份科研课题(CSCEC-2015-Z-06)。 -页码-:31-34
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Study on Construction Technology of Weir First and Pile Later for Deep Water Foundation in Bare Rock Area
LIU Xiaomin ZHANG Qiang LI Fei YANG Jinyong
(China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Based on the deep-water foundation of the main tower pier of Qingxikou Qujiang bridge, a construction technology of weir first and pile later in bare rock area is studied, including key processes of large steel cofferdam launching, floating, positioning, sinking, drilling platform erection and drilling. The finite element software is used to analyze the mechanical performance of double wall steel cofferdam under various unfavorable working conditions. The results show that the overall strength, stiffness and stability of the double wall steel cofferdam meet the construction requirements. The thickness of the bottom concrete of the steel cofferdam and the floating stability of the cofferdam can also meet the construction requirements.
Keywords: bridges; foundations; double wall steel cofferdam; stability; force analysis
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