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Study on Construction Risk and Control Technology of Shallow Buried and Undercut Excavation of Utility Tunnel
HU Ping
(Beijing BII Transportation Development Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking the utility tunnel of Beijing New Airport Expressway as an example to excavate through the Xinfeng River, for the characteristics of shallow overburden, triple arches, rich water, and poor geological conditions, this paper analyzes the possible risks and causes of the triple arch shallow buried underground comprehensive pipe gallery crossing the water rich river course. Based on technical measures such as river cofferdam crossing pipe diversion, isolation piles, and other technical measures, a small-diameter pipe and deep-hole grouting combined with the step method is adopted for excavation. On-site monitoring shows that the scheme can effectively prevent the leakage and landslide risks, while ensuring the safety of the construction of the integrated pipe gallery, and speeding up the construction progress.
Keywords: utility tunnel; shallow buried covered excavation; water-rich river; advance support; construction; risk
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