
单位:中建四局建设发展有限公司 西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院
基金:福建省住建厅科技研究开发计划项目:深基坑承压水控制关键技术的研究与应用(2020-K-65)。 -页码-:110-112
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Application and Research on Active Anti-floating in Underground Structure Based on Automatic Drainage System
LI Junxin
(Construction & Development Co., Ltd.of China Construction Fourth Bureau School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering,Xi' an Jiaotong University)
Abstract: The development and utilization of urban underground space continues to develop downward, and the problem of anti-floating of underground structures is increasingly prominent. Passive anti-floating methods will continue to increase engineering costs while increasing structural resistance. The anti-float method reduces the base buoyancy while reducing the project cost accordingly. Through comparative study, the advantages of the active anti-floating method for underground structures based on automatic drainage systems are highlighted. Combined with specific engineering practices and application effects, to further confirm the advantages of the active anti-floating method for underground structures based on automatic drainage systems.
Keywords: underground space; high water level; underground structure; automatic drainage; active anti-floating
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