
作者:王少奎 黄义鸿 薛彪 黎东海
基金: -页码-:113-116
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Comparison and Analysis of Construction Measures for Masonry Infill Walls Between China and the UAE
WANG Shaokui HUANG Yihong XUE Biao LI Donghai
(China Construction First Group Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Taking the construction measures of masonry infill walls as the starting point, summarize the relevant regulations of domestic infill wall construction measures, and compare and analyze the structural measures in terms of the seismic performance of concrete structure masonry infill walls in the UAE in terms of design principles, materials and connection requirements. Investigate the design requirements of seven housing construction and public facilities projects in the UAE, summarize and analyze the requirements for structural measures such as infill wall ties, structural columns, and horizontal tie beams in local projects, and analyze and compare with the corresponding domestic regulations, and summarize the local commonly used structural measures. In terms of the connection between the infill wall and the main structure, the local common connectors and their main advantages and layout principles are introduced.
Keywords: reinforced concrete frame; masonry; infill wall; structural columns; horizontal straining beam; tie bar
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