
作者:许国伟 邓惠文 陈东 刘凯 李林
基金:中建三局2019年度科技研发课题:超高层住宅高效施工装备集成平台关键技术研究(CSCEC3B-2019-15)。 -页码-:9-11,18
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Application of Lightweight, Turnable and Efficiency Construction Integrated Platform in Housing Construction
XU Guowei DENG Huiwen CHEN Dong LIU Kai LI Lin
(The Third Construction Co.,Ltd.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau)
Abstract: The traditional super high-rise construction jacking formwork system is highly integrated, the overall load is large, and the investment cost is high. Combining the actual situation of conventional residential buildings, taking Chongqing Zhongjian Yuhu No.1 project as an example, the lightweight design of the “aircraft building machine” is carried out, and then a lightweight, turnable and efficient construction integrated platform is developed. The platform has great advantages in terms of improvement of work efficiency, safety performance, and improvement of the working environment, and there is great room for technological improvement, and the development prospects are promising.
Keywords: building industrialization; residens; building machines; integrated platform; construction
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