
作者:徐耀东 马骞 卢旦
单位:上海市建筑建材业市场管理总站 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司
基金: -页码-:5-8
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Construction Technology of Installing Elevator Shaft with Modular Precast Concrete
XU Yaodong MA Qian LU Dan
(Shanghai Architecture and Construction Material Marketing Management Station East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.)
Abstract: Construction technology of installing elevator shaft with modular precast concrete is based on prefabricated concrete technology, assembled in the factory and installed on site. It overcomes the difficulty of producing three-dimensional components in existing prefabricated factories, improves production efficiency, and optimizes on-site construction. On the premise of ensuring the safety and applicability of the installed elevator, it can effectively solve the maintenance problems in the elevator use process caused by using the steel structure to install the elevator at this stage, greatly reducing the maintenance work and saving the comprehensive cost of elevator operation.
Keywords: prefabricated; installation; elevator; concrete; construction
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